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Can't Buy Me Love Page 2
Can't Buy Me Love Read online
Page 2
“Mr. Wilder’s penthouse is on the top floor. It has to be accessed by a code. If he wishes for you to have access when he isn’t here, he will give the number to you.”
“Cool. I mean…” Colt shrugged as Grant stared straight ahead. “Is Mr. Wilder…?”
“He’s waiting for you, sir. If you have any questions, he will answer them.”
In other words, shut up and leave me alone.
Wondering if maybe he was in over his head, Colt wasn’t certain if he was relieved or even more anxious when the elevator finally stopped and the doors slid open to reveal an enormous foyer with white walls and black floors.
Grant made a gesture that indicated he should get off the elevator, and Colt stepped out, looking back at the other man.
“Mr. Wilder will be with you in a moment. Enjoy your stay, Mr. Dixon.”
The doors closed, and Colt turned to look around the room. It was beautiful, decorated in what he guessed was a very modern style. He suspected the rest of the apartment looked the same. It was more like a showcase than a home, in his opinion, but Colt figured the décor wasn’t any of his concern. He again reminded himself to remember his place.
That thought in mind, he was slightly startled when he looked up to see Pierce Wilder had stepped into the room without him realizing it.
He’s even more gorgeous in person. Why is this guy paying for sex?
The blond man stood a few feet away, dressed in jeans and a black shirt that was unbuttoned to reveal a smooth chest and defined abs. His hair was somewhat messy, as if he had been running his fingers through it, and he was barefoot, a fact that almost made Colt smile. There was something intense in his hazel green eyes that pinned Colt where he stood.
Slowly, Pierce walked toward him, and Colt realized they were the same height as the man stopped about six inches from him. Colt swallowed, startled to realize that just Pierce looking at him was enough to arouse him.
He couldn’t recall the last time he had experienced a genuine, sincere rush of lust and pure attraction, and it frightened him more than a little.
God help me!
“Welcome, Colt.”
His voice was rich and warm, deep and low, but Colt sensed the emotion and the passion just beneath the surface. He allowed himself to smile.
“Thank you, Mr. Wilder.”
“Pierce. Please. Unless I instruct otherwise.” He offered a small smile. “I assume Eve told you what you can expect and what I expect.”
“She did. She was very clear.”
“Good. I wouldn’t want there to be any confusion.”
Colt nodded, cursing himself for the flutter of excitement he felt in the pit of his stomach as Pierce looked at him with those amazing eyes.
Colt was accustomed to pretending to be attracted to his clients, but he rarely found any real enjoyment in sleeping with men who paid for access to his body. He had a sudden feeling that Pierce might be an exception to that rule.
“Come with me, and I’ll give you a quick tour.”
Nodding again, mostly because he didn’t trust himself to speak, Colt followed as Pierce showed him around the penthouse.
It really was a remarkable place, modern and mostly decorated in black and white, but the room Pierce finally led him to was different. The walls were a dark burgundy, the floors wooden, the drapes and bedspread burgundy and black and beautiful.
“You’ll find clothing in the closet, and the bathroom is fully stocked, but if there is anything else you need, just tell me.”
“Uh… Thanks.”
“I’m sure this arrangement is a little different than what you are accustomed to.”
“A little.”
“Don’t worry, Colt. You have no reason to be uneasy with me.”
“I’m not. I just…” He shook his head, feeling foolish, and Pierce smiled.
“Can I assume you find me attractive, Colt? And be honest. Forget for a moment that I’m paying for this.” Stepping completely into the bedroom, Pierce closed the door and then leaned his powerful frame against it, his arms folded casually over his chest. “Let’s say you saw me at a bar, just sitting there, having a drink by myself. Would you find me attractive? Would you be willing to come up to me and talk to me?”
Heart thundering, Colt licked his lips, aware that Pierce watched his tongue closely, and he nearly whimpered, feeling his cock pressing against his jeans.
“I…yeah, I find you attractive. And if I saw you in a bar, you would get my attention.”
“Would you come talk to me?”
“I doubt it.”
Pierce tilted his head slightly. “And why is that?”
“I would be too nervous.”
“You think I would reject you?”
“It’s possible.”
“Hardly. I know you have to know how beautiful you are.”
Colt shrugged a little. “Sometimes beauty isn’t enough.” And that’s all I have. “But yeah, I am attracted. And I…”
“Let’s just say I don’t always find myself attracted in these situations.”
“Well, I’m glad you do now. I certainly want you to enjoy this as much as I will.”
It occurred to Colt that Pierce seemed sincere, which made him very different from others he had been with in the past. He had a feeling Pierce Wilder might be one of a kind and under a different set of circumstances. Colt could see himself really liking the guy. He pushed that stray thought away because circumstances weren’t different. He was here because Pierce wanted to have sex with him and he was willing to pay for it.
You aren’t special, Colt. Don’t fool yourself into believing otherwise.
“I want you to undress for me, Colt. Let me see you.”
Pulled from his thoughts back to reality, Colt drew in a breath, wondering why he was suddenly nervous. It was silly. He had undressed for men before. Pierce was just another client, just another man paying for sex. He wasn’t different, and Colt again told himself not to forget that as he kicked off his shoes and then reached for the hem of his T-shirt, pulling it over his head and allowing it to fall to the floor.
Pierce was watching him closely, intently, his gaze so intense it was almost as tangible as a physical touch and just as arousing.
Colt wasn’t arrogant, but he knew he was a beautiful man. For the first time in far longer than he could recall, though, he actually felt beautiful because of the way Pierce was looking at him.
Aware that his hands were trembling slightly, he tried not to let it show as he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, pushing them over his hips and down his legs. He hadn’t bothered with underwear—he rarely did—and his cock sprang free, already hard, the skin flushed and straining. He blushed a little to realize Pierce now knew just how much he did want this.
And I do… God, I want him. It’s insane, but I don’t care, because for once, I can enjoy this instead of dreading it.
“You’re very beautiful, Colt.”
“Thank you.”
Pierce pushed himself from the door, and Colt stood motionless as Pierce approached and slowly began to circle around him, clearly looking him over closely.
“You have an incredible ass. I’m going to enjoy fucking it.”
He wasn’t certain what he should say to that or if he was supposed to say anything at all, so he bit his lip and waited as Pierce stood behind him.
Colt sucked in a startled breath when warm hands came to rest firmly on his hips.
“I plan on enjoying every inch of you, Colt. It will be an active two weeks.”
“What…whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want.” Pierce echoed his words, pulling him backward, and Colt gasped again when he felt Pierce’s denim-clad erection pressing into his bare bottom. “I want to fuck you until you scream my name, until you’re too exhausted to move. I want to taste you, make you come again and again and when you think you can’t come anymore, I want to start all over and hear you beg me for more, Colt.”
Colt moaned at the image and the feel of Pierce’s hands on him, strong and warm, branding him to his soul with his heat and strength and sexual hunger. He sagged against him, just a little. Pierce lowered his lips to kiss Colt’s shoulder.
“That’s right. Say my name. I want to hear it.”
Pierce’s lips were replaced briefly by his teeth, biting hard enough to cause a sharp sting; he then licked. Colt’s eyes closed while his body hummed with energy.
“Turn around and look at me, Colt.”
Praying he had the strength, that he wasn’t so weakened by desire he would fall to his knees, Colt turned and looked at Pierce, who had set about undressing himself, shoving his shirt from his shoulders before unfastening his jeans.
Look at him. He’s amazing. He’s beautiful.
Half holding his breath, Colt felt a renewed rush of desire when Pierce pushed down his jeans, stepped out of them and kicked them aside, leaving his engorged cock free and hard, the veins evident beneath the smooth flesh.
It was obvious Pierce wanted him, truly wanted him, and for a brief moment, it was easy for Colt to forget he was being paid to do this because the desire burning between them was the real deal, not faked or forced.
He could feel the energy between them, a live hunger, powerful and demanding and hot enough he knew he could and would get himself burned if he wasn’t careful.
At the moment, though, Colt didn’t care in the least about repercussions. As Pierce’s eyes met his, Colt thought his knees might buckle.
Eyes still locked, Colt was surprised when Pierce reached out and gently brushed his knuckles down his cheek in a gesture that was tender, almost caring, and unlike any touch Colt could recall, unnerving him.
What the hell is wrong with me?
“I want to kiss you, Colt. I know some have rules against that. Do you?”
“No. Kissing isn’t a problem.”
Pierce smiled. “Good. Because you have the most beautiful mouth I have ever seen, and I really want to taste it so badly…” His words trailed off as he placed one hand on Colt’s hip, pulling him closer.
Colt melted inside at the feel of Pierce’s bare chest brushing against his, and once again, he cursed himself for the tangled emotions he was feeling.
It occurred to him he might be in over his head, and part of him wanted to turn and run, even though that wasn’t an option.
Then Pierce’s lips were on his, gentle yet demanding. Colt reached for him, hands going to his shoulders to support himself as Pierce tangled a hand in his hair, taking complete and total control. He was a force of passion and energy, and Colt didn’t hesitate to part his lips, allowing Pierce’s tongue to slip into his mouth, demanding, devouring, plunging and tasting, leaving Colt to cling to him as Pierce slid one hand down his smooth back to grip his ass. Colt moaned into the mouth consuming his.
Pulling back slightly, Pierce chuckled. Colt blinked and blushed, reminding himself firmly that he was a professional.
He didn’t swoon or sway—he didn’t think so, at least—but Pierce Wilder was having a very unusual effect on him.
“I want you, Colt. Now. I want you in that bed, wanting me, begging for me. But I want the wanting and begging to be real.”
Chapter Two
Pierce watched the desire flare in Colt’s eyes, and it made his already hard cock throb to realize that Colt was just as aroused, just as turned on as he was. He didn’t need words to know he would get what he wanted. He could look at Colt and know that this was real for him, that he wanted him, ached for him. Pierce refused to wonder why that was so important to him because he wasn’t ready to acknowledge the part of him that knew this encounter was somehow different than the others he had enjoyed over the years.
Colt’s different. I sensed it from his picture, before seeing him… He’s just as knocked off guard by this attraction as I am.
“I want you, too. I can’t say how much…” He brushed his tongue over his bottom lip, a gesture that was clearly innocent, but Pierce still watched it, aroused and aching. “Just tell me what you want me to do, Pierce.”
Smiling, Pierce took his hand, pulling him back into his arms for another searing kiss as he slowly eased Colt backward, toward the waiting bed. He had so many things in mind, so many things he wanted to do to and with this man, so many games he wanted to play, but right now, in this moment, he couldn’t get past the overwhelming desire to be buried inside of Colt so deeply that he felt as if he were a part of him.
He had never felt so drawn, so attracted to anyone. It was cause for concern, but he dismissed that for the moment, breaking the kiss and gently pushing Colt back so he sat down on the bed.
“Move to the head of the bed and lie down.”
Colt nodded and Pierce watched as the beauty did as he instructed, scooting further onto the bed and then lying back against the black and burgundy spread. He made a truly glorious visual feast: his hair a mess, lips slightly swollen, his cock hard, rigid, springing from a nest of black curls, his chest rising and falling with each ragged breath.
Pierce was fairly certain he had never seen anything or anyone more beautiful.
If there was indeed such a thing as perfection, Colt Dixon was it, and Pierce felt a renewed sense of urgency. Suddenly, two weeks with this man didn’t seem like nearly long enough.
Don’t start thinking like that, just enjoy what you have.
Walking around the edge of the bed, well aware that Colt watched him with those intensely beautiful blue eyes, he went to the nightstand and opened it, smiling to see the supplies he had been careful to stock there.
“Put your arms over your head, close to the headboard.”
Without hesitation or question, Colt did as he said and Pierce smiled as he selected a pair of handcuffs from his stash, sitting down on the bed with them, watching as Colt’s eyes widened just a little, but he didn’t protest. He had known what to expect before arriving, but Pierce sensed it was a great deal more than just playing a part. That knowledge thrilled him as he hooked a cuff around Colt’s right wrist, lacing the chain through a rail on the headboard before capturing his left wrist securely.
“Are those too tight?”
Colt shook his head, and Pierce reached out, brushing a lock of dark hair from his soon-to-be lover’s face.
“I won’t ask if you’ve ever done anything else like this before, because the thought of anyone else touching you the way I’m about to…” He shook his head at his own sudden possessive streak, knowing it didn’t make any real sense. “I know I’m not the first person to touch you, to tell you that you are beyond beautiful, but for now, I think I want to pretend I am the only one who has ever seen you like this.”
He watched as Colt swallowed, then licked his lips. Pierce leaned down and kissed him, hard and demanding, tongue plunging into his mouth and receiving an eager, needy, response that had him tangling one hand in Colt’s hair as he stretched out beside him. He wanted so desperately, anxiously, to taste and touch all at once. He couldn’t recall the last time he had ever wanted anyone as badly as he wanted Colt. It seemed as if in a short time, he had become addicted to the man, and he realized that if he felt and wanted this strongly when they hadn’t even had sex, he would only want more once they did and that could present a problem. For the moment, though, Pierce decided he didn’t care what problems might arise later.
For now, he wanted, needed, this, and he needed it with this man, this beautiful, responsive man who gasped a little when Pierce broke the kiss, trailing his lips down Colt’s neck, sucking and kissing and licking.
“So good… You taste so very, very good, Colt.”
In response, Colt whimpered, tilting his head to the side to allow Pierce better access as his teeth playfully nipped at sensitive skin. The younger man shivered and arched his back, bringing a little smile to Pierce’s face as he wondered if Colt was an even greater find than he had first anticipated.
“You like that? You like me biting you? Marking you? Making you mine?”
Colt moaned an answer, and Pierce knew it was meant to be yes as his lips reached Colt’s nipple. He sucked the nub into his mouth, licking at it vigorously before biting down just hard enough to draw a cry of mingled pleasure and pain from Colt’s beautiful mouth. It was the most incredibly sexy sound he had ever heard, echoing his want and need.
He lifted his head, needing to see the desire in Colt’s eyes, the burning hunger that matched his own as Colt looked at him.
Pierce reached to the nightstand again. Finding lube and condoms, he dropped them beside him on the bed before shifting to easily straddle Colt.
Drawing in a breath, he tried to gain some control over his desire because he was all about control, or so he reminded himself.
I don’t feel in control now. I’ve never felt so out of control. Colt Dixon is dangerous to my senses, but no way in hell am I sending him away.
He wanted his two weeks.
He ignored the voice that again suggested two weeks wouldn’t be enough, because it would have to be. It was as simple as that. He didn’t do long term, he didn’t do relationships, and he tried to assure himself that once he’d had Colt a few times, some of the edge would be gone, some of the blazing excitement would fade, and he would feel more like himself again.
It seemed like a reasonable theory.
Placing his hands on Colt’s perfect chest, he moved his fingers slowly down the taut, smooth skin.
Colt watched him, eyes intense, filled with need that exploded into full, blazing desire when Pierce captured both nipples between his thumb and index fingers, rolling them slowly. He heard the hitch in Colt’s breathing as he tugged gently at the nubs, pinching them before pulling harder. Colt arched his strong back and cried out.